1. He Came From Humble Beginnings.
His Excellency the late John Pombe Joseph Magufuli, was a visionary leader for a prosperous and progressive Tanzania. He was a former school teacher, industrial chemist and ex-minister of works. He is the son of a peasant farmer. “Our home was grass thatched and like many boys I was assigned to herd cattle, as well as selling milk and fish to support my family,” Magufuli said.
2. He Showed Integrity.
As the Minister of Works, he was reputed to be a no-nonsense, results-driven politician. It was while in office that he got nicknamed “The Bulldozer” for steering the program to build good roads in Tanzania. He had opportunities to make riches while he held this position, but chose not to.
3. President Magufuli Kept His Promises of "Hapa Kazi Tu"
He campaigned for the presidency on a platform of hard work. As a man of action and not just talks thus the slogan " Hapa Kazi Tu/ Only work here" in Swahili. After being sworn in, as Tanzania’s president on November 5, 2015, President John Magufuli cracked down on corruption and wasteful spending. This led to him losing a lot of friends. But he didn't let that stop him from doing the good work.
Magufuli performs push-ups on the campaign trail. He did pushups to show that he was fit and ready for office.
4. He Made Education Free For Children in Need.
As a promise during his election campaign, he made education free for children whose parents couldn’t afford it. He also directed relevant authorities to sort and resolve the problems stopping the release of education loans.
With Curious on Tanzania guest during a school visit.
5. President Magufuli led by example.
Instead of disappearing, or practicing “do as I say not as I do”, he acted out what he preached. For our Independence Day in 2015, rather than spend money on celebrations that would promptly have been forgotten the next day, he ordered for Tanzanians to have a clean up day and of course he led by joining in cleaning up the city. This caused thousands of Tanzanians to come out and join as well, because if their president could do it, who are they not to?
"Let us work together to keep our country, cities, homes and workplaces clean, safe and healthy," Mr Magufuli told a crowd of surprised onlookers as he picked up rubbish off the street, AFP news agency reports.
6. President Magufuli channeled Tanzania’s monetary sources to more important ventures.
Not long after assuming office, he took drastic measures to boost government coffers.
Improving the nation’s roads, ports, railways and airport infrastructure is critical for the country to improve its internal and external trade and commercial activities. The country’s transport system has demonstrated a steady growth from 4.4% in 2012 to 16.6% in 2017 with 6.0% contribution to National GDP in 2017. Tanzania also continue to support import and export for neighbouring countries. Read more
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