An Unforgettable Immersive Fest bringing over hundreds of guests in New York City or virtually for a glance of Destination Tanzania, it's culture, travels and various possibilities. Organized by Curious on Tanzania, an experiential travel company and The Global Taste.
(Due to this pandemic, we will host it virtually allowing the world to tuned in the comfort of their homes)
Topics Discussed:
"Discussion on The Ultimate Reopening Solutions in Travel"
As a curious travelers, you are hungry to educate yourselves about the current state of travel, health and safety. So we wanted to take this timely opportunity to deepen our connection and open this conversation on how the NEXT new normal might look like and as travelers plan future trips.
Ziada Abeid- Tanzanian, Media Consultant/ Founder of @ZiadatravelsDr. Frank Minja - Tanzanian, Harvard Medical School Grad, President of DICOTA. @frankminja
Leina Lemomo - Mother, Owner of Msafiri Travels/ Twende Kusini Camps @msafiritravels
Timothy A Mdinka - Founder of Land Africa Safaris and Serengeti Safari Marathon @landafricatz
Get more info about our panelists and upcoming events.